Please contact an official
OLC Capital Campaign representative for information on how you can contribute or
use our online giving button below. If you would like to mail a check/donation for the Capital Campaign, please use the address below:
Our Lady of Consolation
Parish Office - CC
1235 Badger Court
Charlotte, NC 28206
The Capital Campaign's fundraising goal is $2,000,000. The remaining amount of pledges still needed to accomplish our goal is $900,034.
*Step 2 Make Your Donation
Please Click HERE to give online
to the Capital Campaign
NOW is the time, because the needs of parishioners and the community will not go away.
NOW is the time, because while patience is a virtue, it does not guarantee success, yet only ensures delay.
NOW is the time, because there is no time when all things can be done perfectly.
Finally, NOW is the time, because the faithful know when they stand on rocky ground, the present is the best time to plant a seed for the future.
We ask all good people to amplify your intent to make
the world a better place.
All journeys start with a first step. This initial step is to complete phase one with a $2,000,000 capital campaign. This will create a modern education complex designed
to address the needs of the parish and our neighborhood for decades to come.
The parish campus will be improved with a long term vision in mind. The vision is to preserve our existing campus buildings and prepare for our future.
PHASE 1 - Restore Learning Center
PHASE 2 - Renovate the Cafeteria/Old Assembly Building
PHASE 3 - Create Sanctuary for the Congregation's Growth