The Ladies Guild presents
A Red Heart Night of Jazz on
Saturday, February 6th from 8:00 to 11:00 pm in conjunction with women's heart health during the month of February. Local artists, A Sign of the Times, which include two two OLC members will be performing. Tickets are $25.00 a piece and can be purchased from any Ladies Guild member. For more information, contact a member of the Ladies Guild or the OLC office.
The second collection this weekend is a combined collection to support the Church in Latin America, the Church in Central and Eastern Europe, the Church in Africa, the Catholic Home Missions and the United States Mission Collection. Click
here to view a Fact Sheet describing each mission.
Your generosity is a great blessing!
Have you ever thought about becoming an Altar Server? Here is your chance. There will be a mandatory training for new servers and refresher for all experienced Altar Servers on
Saturday, January 30, 2016 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm in the Church. New servers, youth and adults, who have received the Sacrament of the Eucharist (e.g. First Communion), are welcomed to attend. Contact Sam Cooper at 704-308-4661 for additional information.
Ladies Guild and the
African American Cultural Committee are planning a Youth Writing Event which will take place in February. If you are interested in participating, please contact
Chanele Jackson.
You must provide your name, grade, parents name, phone number and email address to sign up. Information will be used to notify participants and parents about upcoming deadlines and to provide resources to help you with your essay. Your support and participation will be greatly appreciated. Click
here for essay topics and additional information.
OLC Black Culture Committee and the
KWANZAA Charlotte Committee celebrated the 4th day of KWANZAA, Ujamaa (oo-jah-MAH) - Collective Economics at the OLC Family Life Center on Tuesday, December 29th. The Evening was hosted by the Charlotte KWANZAA Committee. Brother Corey Muhammad, Student Minister of Minister Louis Farrakhan (Charlotte Mosque 36) was in charge of the program for the evening. Members of the Fruit of Islam...